Here are 3 extremely useful pieces of software I use every day.
1. GoodSync
This is without a doubt the best software for syncing two hard drives. I use it to sync my portable hard drive with my computer. You can set it to sync as soon as you open the program. It’s so fast: it can sink gigs of data in just a couple of minutes – way faster than dragging all the files over. It will even tell you if there are conflicts, and lets you choose which direction to sync the files. I’ve used for over a year, daily, and it’s never caused any issues.
I spent a lot of time looking for the perfect invoicing program. Never found it! So I settled for the free one! This was the only free one I found that also allows you to send estimates. Very easy to use, and it’s fully integrated with PayPal, so when your client pays you with PayPal, it automatically maks the invoice as paid.
This is a great free online time-tracking tool. It’s simple, and easy to use. It even has a desktop app.