Smith & Wesson, in conjunction with 540 Brands
I was thrilled to be hired to create artwork for a new line of apparel for Smith & Wesson, featuring silk-screen illustrations of big angry eagles. It was a really fun challenge drawing the eagles, which I’ve always found difficult. Need to invest in a pet eagle for reference. The designs all needed to stay under six colors, which is always a challenge as soon as you introduce an american flag into the design (which eats up three colors right away). I used halftones wherever I could to limit the total number of colors.
Client: IAFF Motorcycle Group Description: The IAFF recently commissioned me to create a poster for an upcoming rally in Ottawa, IL, the location of the historical Lincoln v. Douglas debates. I thought it would be fun to draw Lincoln and Douglas speeding through time on two motorcycles swinging chains and pipes at each other. I’m a historian at heart. The IAFF Motorcycle Group mascot is seen far back in the historic streets of Ottawa.