Dead Killers Music Video

I’m SO proud to be sharing this. I’ve been working with the metal band Straying From Madness for a while on a music video for their new single, about the band fighting for their lives in a zombie apocalypse.  I illustrated all the characters, zombies, and backgrounds, and then a very talented video artist put it all together.

It was an immensely challenging and rewarding project, and I’m thrilled with ho it turned out. We working on a very tight deadline and budget restraints, so I elected to illustrate it in a very rough style, which is very different for me.  Typically, I like to draw things first as a rough sketch, then a pencil sketch, then ink and color.  This gives me a chance to work out the anatomy and details as I go to make sure they are correct.  With this project, I skipped the middle step and just went for it, and colored in a very limited color scheme to save time.  I think in the end, that choice actually added a lot of character to the video.  It is after all, the Apocalypse.

Special thanks to Larz and the rest of the band at Straying From Madness.  They are fantastic to work with, and I wish them nothing but ridiculous Rock Star success.

Check out their music here:

To see more of my dark illustrations, check out:

Straying From Madness music video illustrations

Straying From Madness music video illustrations Straying From Madness music video illustrations Straying From Madness music video illustrations Straying From Madness music video illustrations


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