Here’s the latest disc in my Monthly Series: Flintstones Parody I illustrated, printed on metallic foil by Discraft on a Buzzz disc! So happy with how they came out. Limited to 40. But I have two left with an original ink drawing on the back, let me know if you’re interested in one. Next month’s disc is available for preorder now: #flinstonesparody #cartoonparody #discgolf #frisbeegolf #discraftdiscs #teamdiscraft #detroitdisccompany #discHere's the latest disc in my Monthly Series: Flintstones Parody I illustrated, printed on metallic foil by Discraft on a Buzzz disc! So happy with how they came out. Limited to 40. But I have two left with an original ink drawing on the back, let me know if you're interested in one. Next month's disc is available for preorder now: #flinstonesparody #cartoonparody #discgolf #frisbeegolf #discraftdiscs #teamdiscraft #detroitdisccompany #disc

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