All set up at the PA Cannabis Festival and ready to roll. First time ever having this much space - so awesome to spread out and really show off a lot of art. Right by the stage! Anyone coming?today April 20 from 9AM-8PM. Tons of live music, food, art. Weather is going to clear up in the afternoon!@penncannafest #legalizePA #electriccity #penncannafest#cannabisart #marijuanaartist #cannabiscommunity

All set up at the PA Cannabis Festival and ready to roll. First time ever having this much space – so awesome to spread out and really show off a lot of art. Right by the stage! Anyone coming?today April 20 from 9AM-8PM. Tons of live music, food, art. Weather is going to clear up in the afternoon!@penncannafest #legalizePA #electriccity #penncannafest#cannabisart #marijuanaartist #cannabiscommunity