The Jokers
“Voodoo” Album:
Album cover illustration I created for the UK-based rock band The Jokers for their newest album “Voodoo,” illustrating an evil witchdoctor holding voodoo doll likenesses of each member of the band.
Always enjoy working with these guys – they don’t take themselves too seriously, and it’s exactly the kind of music I grew up with. It’s often very tricky to get so much of the scene into such a tiny space, but I’m happy with the composition we came up with. I love the crow chewing up the Union Jack.
Hurricane” Album: This is a fun album cover illustration I created for a hard rock band called the Jokers for their new album, Hurricane. The idea was to have the band in a classic-looking car flying through the air to their next gig, and causing a hurricane behind them, destroying London below them. I tried to hide a lot of detail into the design swirling around them in the hurricane, like roadies, amps, guitars, and British artifacts. The band needed the album art in a really short amount of time, but we pulled it off in time, and they were quite happy with the result. Client Testimonial: …it all looks amazing, we are really really happy with the final product. -Paul Hurst The Jokers