I'm printing my Rick and Morty artwork on my next metallic foil Disc Golf Disc. Here's the black and white lineart before I added color. Rick and Morty quickly became my favorite animated series. at least until I watch Ren and Stimpy again.These are up in my shop and shipping now!#rickandmorty #rickandmortyfan #discgolf #frisbeegolf #discraftdiscs #teamdiscraft #discraft #disc

I’m printing my Rick and Morty artwork on my next metallic foil Disc Golf Disc. Here’s the black and white lineart before I added color. Rick and Morty quickly became my favorite animated series. At least until I watch Ren and Stimpy again.These are up in my shop and shipping now!#rickandmorty #rickandmortyfan #discgolf #frisbeegolf #discraftdiscs #teamdiscraft #discraft #disc