Silk-screen illustration I created of a rattle snake clutching a rifle for a t-shirt design that should be available at Cabella's sometime soon - Snakes are so challenging to draw. Even when you think you've got everything in the right place, then come the scales. So. Many. Damn. Scales. This design is available for licensing if anyone has a use for it - message me.#patrioticart #usflag #patriotic #donttreadonme #merica #2ndamendment #gunart #huntingart#appareldesign #tshirtdesign #tshirtartist #screenprintart #dtg

Silk-screen illustration I created of a rattle snake clutching a rifle for a t-shirt design that should be available at Cabella’s sometime soon – Snakes are so challenging to draw. Even when you think you’ve got everything in the right place, then come the scales. So. Many. Damn. Scales. This design is available for licensing if anyone has a use for it – message me.#patrioticart #usflag #patriotic #donttreadonme #merica #2ndamendment #gunart #huntingart#appareldesign #tshirtdesign #tshirtartist #screenprintart #dtg